Watermelon Wings

Dad joke alert:

What do you call someone who loves both flat and drum wing style?


Now on to making Icarus's least favourite snack - introducing the most succulent wings you will ever taste!

Turns out that watermelon and chicken wings are a heavenly combination.

What you need:

Pile of chicken wings - no judgement here

Adjust the following seasoning to taste. This amount is good for 10-12 wings

2 Tablespoons of Lemon juice

2 Tablespoons of Crushed Garlic

2 Tablespoons of Honey

2 teaspoons of Coarse coriander & Turmeric

2 Tablespoons of Soya Sauce

2 Tablespoons of Red wine vinegar

2 Tablespoons of Corn flour 

1 Tablespoon of Cayenne pepper

1/4 watermelon - pick a large, ripe one

Glug of Olive oil

Salt to taste

What to do:

Chop the watermelon, remove the rind and pips

Pop the chunks into a blender and add in the rest of the sauce ingredients

Blend until smooth 

Yes, you will find a rogue pip that you missed, just remove it

Pour your sauce into a pot, add salt to taste and a glug of olive oil

On medium - high heat, reduce the sauce by half, keep stirring!

Remove from heat, and cool completely

Pop your wings into a glass container and cover with the sauce

Let it marinade for 24 hours

Braai Time!

Cook over the coals until done. These can also be done in an oven, or in a pinch, on the stove top.

Turn and baste regularly

But they are best grilled over fire. Those lightly charred sticky bits are too good to miss. Yum, I'm hungry now.


Score: 20/10 golden spatulas - these are unexpectedly ultra-delish!

Puppy paw of approval:  (Yes, she only got chicken, not the bones)

Teen nod of acknowledgment:✅✅✅

Family verdict: ✅✅Burp 

Check out the video! 

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made.

The Davish Kitchen - Fun Food for Everyone!

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