Ultimate Spare Ribs

Ultimate Spare Ribs Recipe

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I wonder if braaied ribs think about me too?

As you know, I went through a bit of a rib obsession. What's not to love? Happily chomping huge chunks of ribs from the fire, surrounded by my loving family, who were wondering if this is what cannabilism looks like. Yup, I love ribs! But there comes a time when a man needs more than just sweet and sticky or chilli-kissed savoury ribs. Yes, it's time for slow-cooked, slathered- with- love ribs. Read on for my Ultimate Rib Recipe.

What you need:

Around 2 -3kg of pork spare ribs

4 large onions, sliced

2 each of large green, red and yellow peppers, sliced

half a head of garlic, sliced 

Oreganum, rosemary and thyme to taste

Salt, pepper and enough oil to moisten


What to do:

I mixed the chopped ingredients together in a large bowl.

Add in enough oil to very lightly coat everything, and season.

In an oven tray, load half the ingredients, then lay the ribs on top.

If you're like me and nothing fits, add one third of the mixture followed by half of the ribs. Repeat. Always end with the veg.

The idea is that the ribs are lying on a bed of veg, and covered by them like a blanket. My bed had several layers - stupid small oven trays!

Wrap tightly with foil.

I cooked mine on the gas braai on a low setting for three hours, but in the oven at 100°C for 3 hours will work too.


The ribs are soft and delicious, with the bones falling out. The veg cooks down into a soft, yummy mixture that adds just the right touch of mmmm to the dish.

Score: 10/10 golden spatulas - will definitely make these again.

Puppy paw of approval:  

Teen nod of acknowledgment: 

Family verdict: Burp

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made.

The Davish Kitchen - Fun Food for Everyone!

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