The Most Delicious Roti Hotdogs

Dad joke alert:

What do you call a phobia of German sausage? Fearing the Wurst.

Hot dogs are a quick, easy and delicious standby for lunch. I’ve upped my hotdog game with these roti dogs.

Still quick and easy - but even more delicious than ever before!

This recipe makes 10 roti dogs, but can easily be scaled up or down so you can get the perfect amount of dogs to nom.

What you need:

5 rotis

10 viennas

10 slices of cheese

Braai sauce of choice 

2 eggs

Olive oil

What to do:

Using a vienna to measure, cut the sides of your roti to make it neater

Cut the rotis in half

Take your first roti, and smear your braai sauce all over one side

Lay a slice of cheese on top

Place a vienna at one end, and roll the roti up, secure with toothpicks

Repeat until you have all the roti dogs you want

Crack 2 eggs into a bowl big enough to dip your dogs in

Beat the eggs and season with salt and pepper to taste

Heat a drizzle of oil in a pan

Dip a roti in the egg mix, and fry until golden all over

Repeat with the rest of the roti dogs

Chomp and enjoy!

Score: 8/10 golden spatulas  - definitely a winner

Puppy paw of approval:  

Teen nod of acknowledgment:

Family verdict: Burp 

Check out the video! 

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made..

The Davish Kitchen - Fun Food for Everyone!

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