Shot Glass Burger Bombs

Dad joke alert:

Everyday, thousands of innocent plants are killed by vegetarians. End the violence now. Eat a burger!

I am just trying to do my bit to keep the peace. Peace can be delicious too!

These burger bombs make great snacks, awesome braai starters, or sides. But I must warn you - however many you think you’ll need, double it. No one can stop at just one.

This recipe makes 8, but is easily doubled, tripled, etc.

What you need:

600g ground beef mince

8 rashers of bacon (yum, bacon)

200g each of grated cheddar and mozzarella

Basting sauce - enough to slather over the meaty bits

Spices - use whichever spices you love with mince. I like 1 teaspoon each of pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and parsley. Go with your taste-buds on this one.

What to do:

Preheat the gas braai or oven to 190*C.

Mix the spices into the mince.

Divide the mince into 8 portions.

Take 1 portion and squish it to make it compact.

Then flatten it into a round.

Place a shot glass in the middle, and squash the mince to halfway up. Now you have a little meaty shotglass! Do the same with the remaining mince.

Lovingly wrap a bacon rasher around each meaty ‘glass’ and secure with toothpicks.

Stuff each meat cup with cheddar and then mozzarella. (because we want the nice melty bit on top)

Pop them onto a buttered/greased oven tray and slather the bacon with your basting sauce.

If using a gas braai, turn the burners to minimum.

If using an oven, turn down to 180*C.

Cook for 15 mins.

Check to see they’re looking delicious, and cook for another 10 mins.

Remove the toothpicks and tuck in!

Score: 10/10 golden spatulas  - definitely a winner

Puppy paw of approval:  

Teen nod of acknowledgment:

Family verdict: Burp plus requests for more. Note to self - there are no such things as leftovers with these.

Check out the video! 

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made..

The Davish Kitchen - Fun Food for Everyone!

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