Sexy Stuffed Peppers

Sexy Stuffed Peppers Recipe

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Fun Fact: Red, yellow, and green peppers are the same, just at different stages of ripening.

I love stuffed peppers, but the family doesn't, so I decided to force them to eat some cook some that would change their minds.

What you need:

8 different coloured peppers

600g minced beef

1 onion, diced finely

Garlic to taste

Seasoning - salt, black pepper, dried oreganum (amounts to taste)

Tin of crushed tomatoes

Tin of mielie kernels, drained

Tablespoonful of fresh thyme

Grated cheddar

What to do:

Chop the peppers in half lengthwise, and scoop the seeds out

Brown the mince in a spot of oil, and add in the chopped onion and garlic

Once the onions are softened, add in the tin of tomatoes, mielie kernels, and seasonings, and stir

When the mince is cooked, remove from the heat

Fill the peppers with mixture, and top with cheese

Pop onto the gas braai at around 180°C,  lid down, for 30 minutes for the cheese to melt, and everything to cook a bit

Score: 10/10 golden spatulas - they are absolutely delicious and I will definitely make these again.

Puppy paw of approval:  The mince was approved, the peppers only got a suspicious sniff 

Teen nod of acknowledgment: 

Family verdict: Burp

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made.

The Davish Kitchen - Fun Food for Everyone!

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