Creamy Avo Pasta

Dad joke alert:

What do you call an avocado that has been baptised?

A holy guacamole!

This pasta is quick, easy, and seriously delish.  If you're looking for creamy yumminess, healthy food, and a meal that makes you look like you know what you're doing - this is it!

What you need:

3 large ripe avos, cut up

1 teaspoon each of paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1 x 500g packet of pasta (I used spaghetti, pick your favourite)

Parmesan cheese  - enough to scatter over the top

Chopped parsley to decorate

What to do:

Blend the avo and seasoning until smooth

Test taste for perfect seasoning

Boil the pasta in salted water until done, and drain

Place pasta in a large bowl, and stir the avo mixture through

Scatter the parmesan and the chopped parsley on top


Score:   10/10 golden spatulas  -totally yum

Puppy paw of approval:  Didn't happen, she got a bone instead

Teen nod of acknowledgment: 

Family verdict: Burp plus requests for it to happen again

Check out the video!

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made..

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