Cheesy Creamy Potato Side Dish

Dad joke alert:

What’s a potato’s favorite TV show?

Starch Trek.

Potatoes are one of my most favourite things to chomp - ever.  In all forms.  Today, I wanted some starchy decadence, and this recipe is easy, delicious and hits all those cheesy-carb-buttery buttons. Two potatoes are enough to make 6 side servings.

What you need:

2 Medium sized potatoes

70g Butter

2 TBLS Crushed garlic (Or to taste)

250ml cream

Salt & Pepper to taste

100g grated Cheddar

6 slices mozzarella (about the size of the potato slice)

What to do:

Peel, top, and tail your taters

Carefully slice the sides to make each potato into an attractive barrel shape

(No need to worry about waste, use the offcuts to make scrummy crisps - if you like this idea, but don't know how, drop a line and I will do a video)

Check it fits into your muffin tray

Using the slicey side of your grater, turn the potatoes into thin slices

Yes, you can do this with a knife, but it takes ages

In a pot, melt the butter. When it's foaming, add the garlic, and cook for a minute, stirring continuously

Remove from the heat, and use a pastry brush to brush that buttery goodness all over the insides of your muffin tray

Return to the heat, add cream, season and stir. Remove from heat

Add potato slices into the muffin tray until each hollow is half filled

Drizzle over half your garlic butter mixture, dividing it between the cups

Top your tater towers with a mozzarella slice

Top this with more potato slices until just above the level of the tray

Cover with the rest of the garlic butter

Wrap with foil and bake at 180*C for 40 mins

Check if the potatoes are soft by prodding with a skewer

If not, cook and check in 5 minute increments

If yes, sprinkle with the grated cheddar

Back into the oven for 10 mins, uncovered

Ease your tatery-goodness out of the tray using a fork and spoon

Enjoy the cheesy-garlicky-buttery-deliciousness while looking smug!

Score: 10/10 golden spatulas - I realize I am a potato pig, and need a whole tray for myself - don't tell the family!

Puppy paw of approval:  None, she's not into potato 

Teen nod of acknowledgment: Darn, the Teen is into these as well. Gonna have to make two trays next time

Family verdict: Burp

Watch the video!

Side Note - If you need a good reason to love potatoes, check out the health benefits here. #SpudLover

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made.

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