Best Mac 'n Cheese Pastry Cups Ever

Dad joke alert:

Making mac and cheese is a grate responsibility. Yes, that was cheesy, but we all know that mac and cheese is like a warm hg for your tastebuds. On to the good stuff...

What you need:

1x 500g box of instant mac 'n cheese - don't judge, it works well and saves time

(Yes, you can use homemade mac 'n cheese as well. Would be a great use for leftover pasta, if such a thing ever existed)

1 roll of puff pastry, defrosted

1/4 cup of milk

Rashers of bacon (I used a full pack, but you do you)

1 chopped spring onion

100g mozzarella chopped into cubes

50g grated cheddar

1 1/2 tablespoons of butter

1/2 cup of milk, yes, separate from the first milk

Chopped parsley for garnishing

What to do:

Fry the bacon, let it cool down and chop into bits

Bring 6 cups of salted water to the boil, and plonk in the pasta

Cool until soft and drain. (about 10 mins)

Stir the butter through until melted

Stir in 1/4 cup of milk and the cheese powder from the box

Mmmm cheesy. Add the bacon and spring onion and mix

Flour a board, and roll ut the puff pastry

Cut into rounds that will fit into a pre-buttered muffin tray to make cups

Fill each cup halfway with the pasta mixture

Pop some mozzarella cubes on top, then fill completely with pasta mixture

Top with grated cheddar and put in a 180*C oven for 20 mins

Sprinkle with parsley and enjoy your oozy, cheesy Yum! 

Score: 7/10 golden spatulas

Puppy paw of approval:  anything with cheese is a win for Pup Princess

Teen nod of acknowledgment:

Family verdict:  

Check out the video! 

Thanks for sharing my cooking adventures!

Watch the video on YouTube if you want to see the Yum being made.

The Davish Kitchen - Fun Food for Everyone!

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